
Re:Verse passage – Psalm 89 (day seven)

Christmas through the eyes of a child is a beautiful thing to behold. As I have navigated this season with two toddlers, I have been able to capture much of the magic that beholds this season. In that, I have recognized that all of the glamour and sparkle that elicits a feeling of magicality inside of us is lined with Biblical representation that points us to the Christ.

Yet, I have also felt the stress and anxiousness that comes with keeping up this facade of grandeur. It has caused me to pause and realize that not everyone sees this season through a lens of magic. Some days just aren’t magical. This is why I appreciate the psalmist here so much.

He essentially spent 37 verses talking about how great the unfailing the love of God is. Then he turns around in verse 38 and begins to ask the question “If God is so loving, then why has He turned His back on the psalmist?”

I think we can all resonate with that. We have had those days, we have had those moments. Some days just aren’t magical, but we all come to realize that the love of God is not confined to the feelings of a day or a season. Often, God is working in those stressful and anxious times to show us something bigger is at work around us. It is not our job to question, rather, we are to trust that He is loving and good which will lead us to say:

Blessed be the Lord forever!
Amen and Amen.

Merry Christmas!

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Author: Rick Henderson

Rick Henderson is the Associate Pastor for Students.

One thought on “Anxiousness”

  1. This is awesome Rick..well said! It’s so true that kids allow us to see the magic of the season and experience that! Yet, well said about anxious and not so magical days! Thank you I needed these words today!

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