Re:Verse passage – Psalm 89 (day four) “I will establish your seed forever And build up your throne to all generations. Selah.”
When we see the word “Selah”, it calls for us to pause, reflect, and contemplate what has just been said. In this case, it is the promise of God to David when he was anointed king (2 Samuel 7).
I’ve taught teenagers for decades to look for and circle the words “will” or “shall” in their bibles as that usually indicates a promise from the Lord. God is both the promise maker AND promise keeper (perfect record). What the Psalmist does here, I encourage us all to do- Recall and reflect (Selah) on the promises God has made (to us/you) through scripture. Maybe this morning one jumps out. His promised peace, strength, presence, wisdom, or forgiveness (to name a few). How might you praise Him today for His kept promises? Maybe a big part of your prayer time today would be to praise Him for faithfully keeping that promise.
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Amen 🌿