Holy Right Arm

Re:Verse passage – Psalm 98 (day seven)

His right hand and His holy arm have gained the victory for Him.
The Lord has made known His salvation. vs 1b-2a

In high school, this verse became one of my favorites. My mother would write me a prayer before every game, and she would often use Psalm 98 to pray over me. What a fitting verse for a Quarterback!!! God gained victory with His Holy Right Arm (For my non-sport-ball fans out there, I was the one who threw the football with my right arm).

What this is saying though is that God has done the work to claim victory. He has rolled up His sleeves and personally put in the work to guide His people to salvation. The joy in this for us is that God chooses me and you to be His vessels for this message to be proclaimed. Have you ever gotten to be a part of that process? The joy in seeing someone go from death to life right in front of your eyes is unexplainable. There is nothing you can claim except Christ working through you.

If you have not been a part of that process, God is calling you to join Him in this work. Who is in your life right now that God is calling you to witness to? In this season of Advent we are asking you to Go and Tell it on the Mountain. Let’s all feel the joy of seeing God’s Holy Arm at work through us this week.

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Author: Rick Henderson

Rick Henderson is the Associate Pastor for Students.

One thought on “Holy Right Arm”

  1. Thank you Rick for remembering! I meant to comment last week!
    Truly our victory comes from the Lord! His Holy right arm! We are made in His image and we can have a mighty right arm with His strength ” in tbe battles” we face!

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