Not Today Satan

Re:Verse passage – Psalm 85:1-3, 8-13 (day seven)

You forgave the iniquity of Your people;
You covered all their sin. vs 2-3

What must occur to have peace amongst others? All parties involved must mutually agree that fighting is not beneficial to their cause. However, peace doesn’t mean that there won’t be tension.

In advent, we recognize that the coming of Jesus brings peace to the world, but until His second coming, we are left in tension. An enemy prowls on our doorstep waiting to devour us, waiting for us to give him an inch of room so he can get his foot in the door to disrupt the peace that has been guaranteed to us. Yet, this enemy has already been defeated; his fight is futile. The fight for your eternity was won on Easter, and Advent is the opportunity for us to tell the enemy, “Not today Satan. We get peace.” And the enemy has to obey because the One who defeated him lives in us.

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Author: Rick Henderson

Rick Henderson is the Associate Pastor for Students.

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