Re:Verse passage – Psalm 85:1-3, 8-13 (day three)
“You turned away from your burning anger.”
As one reads this Psalm, it becomes apparent from verses 4 and following that the first three verses have not yet occurred. Rather, these verses are forward-looking, ordered to a future of restoration that the psalmist sees coming to pass. They are in that sense prophetic. These words amount to something other than “It’ll all work out somehow.” They arise from an experience of God rooted in God’s very being – beauty, creativity, goodness, purpose. Nothing – neither hardship nor disaster nor failure nor foolishness, and most assuredly not evil – will prevail against God. There will be people who turn away from sin. There will be grace and faith and salvation – more even than you expect. Since when did the current state of things stop God’s prophetic word that all things will be made new?
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