Prayer Upon Prayer

Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 6:17-20 (day seven)

With all prayer and petition pray at all times.

In English, it feels a little clunky, but Paul tells us to pray in three different ways. It almost reads like “Prayer with prayer upon prayer.” The message is loud and clear: we need to prioritize prayer!

This is a very Pauline way to tell us that there is no wrong way to pray and that we should actually pray in lots of ways. We should pray in small groups, individually, corporately, with our family, on the go, in the work place etc. We should always be looking for new ways to pray. In doing so, we will find the Armor of God much easier to put on, and in turn, we will be able to fend off the attacks of the enemy more effectively.

So today, find ways to pray. Pray as you always do, but use your Bible study and church community to explore new ways to go before the Lord. If each of us will put prayer with prayer upon prayer, our strength will rise together.

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Author: Rick Henderson

Rick Henderson is the Associate Pastor for Students.

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