Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 6:17-20 (day two) With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, v. 18
If you have the time, start your reading a few verses earlier today and re-read the complete passage regarding the armor of God. Armor is not something you throw on. It takes time. It must fit properly, or it will not do the job it was created to do, think of the shepherd boy David when he tried on King Saul’s armor. As you put on the armor you become aware of how it fits, and where you are exposed. This should be a deliberate process, so that when you are in battle, you are ‘on alert’ as Paul concludes. Every part of this preparation is designed to slow you down, and to consider how the Lord is calling you to participate in the work he has called you to. There is not a sense of hurry or rush in this passage. As you prepare to face your day, your job, your family, or this season may you be on alert for all that will come your way. May that alertness come from a dedication to love and serve the Lord through continuous communion with him.
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