Reedem Your Opportunities

Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 5:15-21 (day seven)

making the most of your time. Vs 16

I love reading scripture in different translations. Here are some of my favorites of the week:

Making the best use of the time (ESV)

Make the most of every opportunity (NLT)

Redeeming the time (NKJV)

What becomes abundantly clear through these differing translations is that we, as children of the light, have been called by God to make the most of the opportunities we have been given. This is not a call to programming. We have a tendency to think that “making the most of our time” means that we need to do more, so we proceed to cram our schedule with things that we perceive will help us make the most of time. Yet, this passage takes a different route. He is calling us to take the moments that arise in a given day, those that are dark, bleak or even uneventful, and redeem them. Take the moments where the enemy is trying to push forward the darkness and shine the Light back into it. “The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it.” How can you redeem the moments and opportunities that will come up today?

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Author: Rick Henderson

Rick Henderson is the Associate Pastor for Students.

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