One Another

Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 5:15-21(day five)

In a culture and climate where we are often tempted and encouraged to keep our faith personal and private, the scriptures point to a different approach. Even with a subject so deeply intense and unique to each believer (being filled with the Spirit), Paul encourages and prescribes an outward response and evidence of the work of the Spirit. It’s found two times after he says, “Be filled with the Spirit.”  “One Another”. There is this sense in our Re:Verse passage of genuine interaction and community. Speaking and singing to and with one another- vs 19. Serving and submitting to and with one another- vs 21. We are filled in and for genuine community.

As the Spirit fills us, may we joyfully encourage and submit to one another with our speech, our songs, and our service.

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

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