Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 5:15-21 (day two) 

speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; v. 19

Although the Bible study literature stops at verse 18, it should not surprise you that I am happy to include the next two verses. It also shouldn’t come as a shock that Ephesians 5:19 was a verse I learned early in my musical studies. To think that scripture was so explicit about the role of music in our daily lives,  not to mention its profound role in corporate worship, I was delighted and humbled. We were all created to sing, that is a maxim not requiring debate. Whether you sing as well as I is immaterial. God did not misspeak when he commanded his children to sing praises to him. You have breath in your lungs, and you have a voice to sing.

None of this should come as a surprise coming from a worship pastor, but I would challenge you to think of music as a barometer of your spiritual health as well. There are chapters of my life where I have struggled and felt hopeless or depressed. Times where I really struggled with my purpose. I have noticed that in those times I didn’t want to sing. I didn’t have a soundtrack running through my head, and nothing sounded right. This was a clear indication to me that I was allowing myself to drift from who and what God called me to be. Since those days I have become more mindful to listen to the music of my heart to help diagnose my spiritual health.

Your song may not always be peppy and upbeat, but allow the Holy Spirit to fill your mind, heart, and voice with the songs of Heaven to help navigate this journey. Don’t allow the adversary to steal your song.

ADDENDUM: This is already a longer post than usual, so please forgive the extra addition. Today is Election Day. I want to encourage you to pray. Not that your candidate win, but that the Lord’s will be done. Our hope cannot be tied to a person other than Jesus. If we do that and that person loses, what does that say? Jesus cannot lose. Pray that God would give you strength and courage to Love Your Neighbor more fiercely tomorrow that you did today, and may we all be secure in the purpose and plan of God.

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Author: Aaron Hufty

Aaron Hufty is the Associate Pastor for Worship and Music at FBCSA.

4 thoughts on “SING!”

  1. How many of us have ever thought of Music as a
    Wondrous, magic link with God,
    Taking ofttimes the place of prayer
    When words have failed us ‘neath our load of care;
    Music that knows no language, race, or creed,
    But gives to each according to his need.

    I went to college at Ottawa University, Ottawa Kansas (an American Baptist School) This poem was in the office of Professor Kerr

  2. As I read these words I am quietly listening to the calming piano hymns of Alexa in the background to keep my heart and mind on JESUS, praying for ALL Christians to reflect HIS image regardless of the outcome.

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