Put Him On

Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 4:17-24 (day seven)

But you did not learn Christ in this way. vs 20

Having a toddler in the house means we are doing lots of learning. One of the things we are learning is how to dress yourself. I say this all as a disclaimer: if you see my son walking around the church with clothes on backwards or insight out, we are not terrible parents, we have allowed him to be proud of the fact that he put on his own clothes, and frankly, we are just happy he has clothes on.

Similarly, we have to learn how to put on the new self. We have to learn how to put on Christ. The goal at first is just to get it on. It may not feel like it fits quite right or or may even feel backwards, but that is because Christ is counter cultural. To put Him on should feel different, but if we are faithful to put Him on everyday, the fit will begin to feel seamless.

It begins with a conscious effort, will I put Christ on today?

Author: Rick Henderson

Rick Henderson is the Associate Pastor for Students.

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