Already There

Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 4:1-6 (day five)  

There’s no doubt that this section of Paul’s letter is about unity. What strikes me as I have read this text, is that unity is already there. We don’t (and can’t) create it or improve it. God has called us into an already existing unity (see vs 4-6). Our task and privilege is to “keep” or “preserve” it. One of the reasons we preserve fruit is so that it will taste the same whenever it is eaten instead of spoiling or rotting. Left unattended and ignored, fruit will eventually lose its fresh flavor. Same with unity. Left unattended, unity will not look or feel fresh and Holy. The process for preserving unity requires energy and intentionality (some versions say “make every effort”). Unity is one of God’s great gifts that we are called into and entrusted to keep and preserve.

Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

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