Re:Verse passage – Ephesians 3:1-13 (day six)
God’s grace is not limited to forgiveness but travels into everyday life. In Christ, grace can bring about real-life transformation from one life to the next. That is Paul’s objective when he describes his life in Christ as a prisoner and servant. He wants the Ephesians to know that God does not play around. The grace of God in Jesus is not a fashion trend to take out on the occasional spin. We don’t move grace around; grace moves us. Paul’s life was a living testimony of what the grace of God can do through him in others.
We are the beneficiaries of the very same grace.
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I just want to share a quote about grace that I’ve kept in a place easy to access.
Writer Ann Lamott said “I do not understand the mystery of grace —- only that it meets us where we are and does not leave us where it found us.”