Re:Verse passage – Romans 12:1-2 (day seven)
… present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.
This week I came to a realization: I am not as young as I used to be. Some of you are now laughing at me, but as our bodies change with age, there are changes that we must choose to make. If I want to keep up with teenagers and toddlers, I need to make sure my body is up for the challenge. Not only is it about health, but this scripture tells us that it is a part of our worship. Our bodies are not our own. Our bodies have been given to us by God (in the image of God) to be given back to God in an act of worship.
The way that we treat our bodies is an indication of how we view God. In the Old Testament every sacrifice that was brought before God had to be Holy and acceptable. Deuteronomy 15:21 tells us that these sacrifices could not have defects, so as we look at what it means for us to present our bodies as a sacrifice in worship, we should work to remove the defects, spiritual and physical, that make it unacceptable. When we remember that our bodies belong to Him, He will help us make the decisions to keep it Holy!
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