
Re:Verse passage – Romans 12:1-2  (day five)  When we hear a truth or wonderful news, how long do we think about it?  With the amount of information and data that daily crosses our eyes and minds (mainly due to smarts phones, tablets, and TV’s) how long do we keep that information “stored”?  Often the tendency is to move on to the next communication or new news. But, Paul is prescribing something different. He is encouraging the Romans to keep thinking about and processing God’s mercy to them (the Gospel). It should act as a lens and filter for everything- our thoughts (renewed minds) and our actions (sacrificial living). Paul believes that we should be constantly and intentionally thinking and acting with God’s kindness and graciousness (to us) at the forefront of our minds. Actions, reactions, thoughts, words, speech, values, and priorities all should pass through the filter of God’s great love and kindness to us. I like another translation of this verse, “in view of God’s mercy”. What would our lives, minds, and hearts look like if we constantly kept this “view” and perspective?

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

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