Re:Verse Blog – 8/12/24

Re:Verse passage – Romans 12:1-2  (day one)

Join us as Associate Pastor Aaron Hufty, Minister Megan Langan, and Associate Pastor Bryan Richardson walk us through Romans 12:1-2 in our Summer Re:Verse Series: “IMAGO DEI – What it means to be human.”

4 thoughts on “Re:Verse Blog – 8/12/24”

  1. Really enjoyed your small discussion this morning. As I get older, with my physical infirmities and limitations, it seems harder for me to find ‘something’ I can offer to others and to my Lord. Of course, one can always pray and that is not a slight offering but would love to give more with the gifts that God has given to me. I was encouraged by Danny’s sermon on Sunday, as well as our SS lesson, taught by Ian Thompson in the Freedom Class. I plan to make a concerted effort to reach out to see what is available to me and where the Lord leads. I am grateful to do what I can, everyday, with a positive presence, always moving forward.

  2. These verses have been a reminder to me through the years when I am tired, or distracted, or “busy” and I’m presented with doing something I’m not inclined to do. I’ll hear that verse in my mind and have to ask, “Lord, is this something you would want me to do?” “I am not my own.”

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