Re:Verse passage – Proverbs 31:8 (day five)
When you encounter the needy, what do you do? Better yet, do you even see or notice those around you who are suffering and helpless? The scriptures teach us that when we walk “in step” with the Spirit, we will see and notice others who are facing injustice and who are suffering- Spiritually, Physically, and Socially . Jesus did. And He modeled the kind of compassion and concern Proverbs 31 prescribes. We see that in what Jesus did (drew near, healed, gave dignity, and treated kindly) and what He said/taught (Sermon on the Mount, Good Samaritan Parable).
So maybe we start with the question, “Do I even see or notice the poor and needy around me?” If not, why not? (Jesus did) Then the question becomes, “What am I doing or saying that helps, encourages, and meets their needs?” Lord, give us Your grace to see and Your grace to share as we minister to and encourage those around us who suffer and face injustice.
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