Knit Together

Re:Verse passage – Psalm 139:13-16 (day five)

“You knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

When we are being formed in our mother’s wombs, many amazing, incredible little miracles occur. One of those little miracles is the formation of our eyes. Around 22 days after conception, our eyes begin developing and forming. Nerves are sent from a baby’s developing brain to the developing eyes while nerves go from the eye to the brain.1 Somewhere in the middle, the nerves meet and form together to make the optic nerve and other nerves. It is an incredible process!

When I read these verses from Psalm 139, I am reminded of these nerves meeting between the eye and the brain, forming together to create sight. Science may explain it as your body knows what to do or explain it in some other way. The words “You knit (or wove) me together in my mother’s womb” take on a whole new significance to me. God does it. We are put together by our amazing God very deliberately and intimately! Every aspect of our created being was made on purpose by God, for His purpose. Now, there are times I bemoan certain things about myself or wonder why God created me in some of the ways that He did. We may not understand those purposes now. But I believe someday we will understand more about why He made us in the ways that He did. Until then, trust that He made us so intimately and deliberately for His glory. You are remarkably and wonderfully made on purpose for His purpose!

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