
Re:Verse passage – John 9: 1-3 (day two) so that the works of God might be displayed Vs.3b

You were created to display the work of God. In the fullness of creation, you were fearfully and wonderfully made (hang on to that text in the next couple of weeks), and your creation you were made to fulfill a purpose that was divinely given to you. This passage deals with a ‘dis’ ability, and the fixation on whether sin caused it, but may I challenge you to consider that whatever ability, inability, disability you have been given is for a purpose. Your life is to glorify the creator. Sometimes we have the opportunity to do that through blessing and abundance, and sometimes we can glorify him through a need or lack. Spend time thinking how uniquely you were made, and then consider how you are glorifying God through your life.

Author: Aaron Hufty

Aaron Hufty is the Associate Pastor for Worship and Music at FBCSA.

One thought on “Ability”

  1. I have ADHD and some Dyslexia. When I was younger I had low self esteem, and didn’t think much of myself. I Didn’t learn to read until I took a reading course in college. For years I had wanted to be a Physical Therapist, and God knew this and gave me the next best thing. What I really wanted to do was to make special equipment for kids. I got a job in Sp Ed in the SAISD as a teacher’s assistant. I noticed some things that I could make to help these kids. Under the watch of 2 occupational therapists and physical therapists, this is all I did for 40 years.
    God led me to this place, gave me a purpose, and He taught me everything I needed to know with each project. All I knew before I got the job was how to sew, and how to use a saw. I loved my job, and the people who supported me.
    I got to help kids, parents, teachers, and all types of therapists through my 40 years there. What a blessing He gave me. I can see the path that led me from a child to this 80 year old woman who was shamed by teachers. I had learning problems, and was labeled as “lazy “.

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