Re:Verse passage – 1 John 4:19–21 (day five) “for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.”
For decades, as a Youth Pastor, I would encourage students to take a few minutes during most every gathering time and give out “Holy Hugs”. For some students who were newer to the group (Christians and non-Christians) I could see how unique and captivating this time was. But I also saw in their eyes, an amazement and curiosity about how fellow teenagers not only had genuine love for one another, but also were willing to visually and verbally express it. Those hugs, handshakes, and words of encouragement we exchange with other believers are indeed “holy because they reflect the love of God. What if people see our love for each other and that leads them to discover and understand God’s love for them (the gospel). I’ve seen that happen many times. What if people conclude “the one who loves his brother that he has seen, must love and be loved by God who he has not seen.” Let’s love each other well, and may that love lead others to find the love and life that Christ came to give.
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