The Hardest Job

Re:Verse passage – Proverbs 31:10-31 (day seven)  

Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain,
But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. vs 30

Peter Drucker (management expert) once said that the four hardest jobs in America are president of the United States, president of a university, CEO of a hospital, and pastor of a churchI do not doubt the first three have their share of difficulties, but I know and have seen the difficulties in pastoring a church. I am grateful FBCSA has a great pastor and pastoral staff, aren’t you?

But do you know who bears the brunt of the difficulties of this job? The spouses of these ministers. We (the ministers) wear many different hats, we are often busy on major holidays, and we work very, very odd office hours. It is our spouses who feel this weight more than any one else. Without their support and encouragement, we could not do what we do! These women (who fear the Lord) deserve praise!

So if you see a pastor’s wife today, make sure to thank her for all that she does!

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Author: Rick Henderson

Rick Henderson is the Associate Pastor for Students.

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