
Re:Verse passage – Proverbs 22:7 (day five)

Should we be surprised that Solomon wants to address the subject of money?  Having money or the appearance of having money communicates plenty. My guess from Solomon’s writings, is that just like today things like social status, reputations, meaningless appearances are derived by many in the context and culture of that society. One point that Solomon seems to make is that money can be a thief- robbing freedom from the wealthy because greed keeps them from using their money to bless others (verse 9) and robbing freedom (freedom to be content and freedom to make the Lord their top priority) from those in debt. The way of wisdom is to steward money so that the fear of the Lord is unhindered and the ability to respond to His instruction and direction (using money to support and encourage others) can happen often and easily.

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

One thought on “Thief”

  1. “Money can be a thief- robbing freedom from the wealthy because greed keeps them from using their money to bless others, and robbing freedom to be content and freedom (to) make the Lord their top priority from those in debt.” Thanks for sharing this profound and succinct observation, Scott!

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