Re:Verse passage – Proverbs 15:15-17 (day six)
What does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul?-Jesus, Matthew 16:26
I have come to give them life and life abundantly. -Jesus, John 10:10
Jesus wants us to have an abundant life, all that life has to offer. That can be hard to believe when the world tells us daily that the key to an abundant life is MORE-more money, more stuff, more security. King Solomon, much like Jesus, wants us to know what truly makes for an abundant life. A truly abundant life is found in loving God (fearing the Lord) and loving others.
After all, that is what we were made for. When we know and are known, we experience an abundance of joy. Knowing is also the antidote to the daily temptation to chase after MORE. Beholding God always puts everything in its proper place, especially money.
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