Deal with Sin

Re:Verse passage – Proverbs 14:34 (day two)

Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any people.

Sin is a disgrace. Let’s face it, we can never be truly righteous and free from sin. It is struggle that we confront each and every day. The challenge to ‘take up our cross’ is not an idle one. It begins with realizing those areas where we have fallen short…again. Thanks be to God that we can lay them at the feet of Jesus and be made clean.

Although our pursuit of righteousness will always be tinged with our fallen nature and tendency to sin, it is in that willingness to address sin that will separate us from the world. If we are consumed by sin, and every facet of our lives publicly and privately profess that sin controls us, it doesn’t matter what amount of ‘good’ we do. That good will always be viewed in connection to the overwhelming sin that surrounds everything else.

Our pursuit of righteousness must be marked with humility. It must begin with a desire to seek after only what that Lord desires, and to rid our lives of the things which hinder that pursuit. Then a people, a nation, can be exalted.

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Author: Aaron Hufty

Aaron Hufty is the Associate Pastor for Worship and Music at FBCSA.

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