Re:Verse passage – Matthew 6:25-34 (day five)
“So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
It’s worth noting that in this short passage, Jesus 3 times says “Do not worry”, and another time He questions the value of worrying. Why all the worrying? What is it about the human heart that lends itself to worry? Let me offer 3 possibilities.
First is trust. Remember earlier in this sermon, in the Model Prayer, we are encouraged to pray that God would give us our daily bread. If we pray that way each day and worry about it later, then perhaps we really don’t trust God to meet our needs.
Second is control (close to #1). We take back control of meeting our own needs (the examples Jesus gives are so inward and selfish focused). It’s a description of someone who has resumed complete control of their lives and all the details involved.
Third is despair. The life that looks into the future without any certainty will worry. It’s a distorted view of the future that makes no provision or accounting for the sovereignty of God, the promises of God, and the indwelling of the Spirit.
Lives marked by vibrant faith, obedient surrender, and joyful hope are ones that find very little space and opportunity for worry.
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