
Re:Verse passage – Matthew 6:25-34 (day three)

Are you not worth much more than they?”

Rather than trying to talk you out of worry, Jesus agrees with you that your grip on security feels tenuous much of the time, as if you’re barely going to make it. He’s stating that circumstances are mostly beyond your control, and that feels scary. Finally, somebody is just saying it: life is hard. What’s more, that somebody was, of all people, the Son of God. This divine human being was telling his hearers, “I deal with this difficult life, too. Everyday.” He goes on to tell them that a God who would give flowers a bigger break than you would not be very loving. In a world that says you don’t matter much, Jesus declares your worth. Your confidence won’t come from trying not to worry, but from this news of your immeasurable value.

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Author: Bryan Richardson

Bryan Richardson is the Associate Pastor for Counseling and Pastoral Ministries at FBCSA.

One thought on “Worth”

  1. Just what we all need to hear as coming from JESUS perspective. I sent this to my college granddaughters who are in the “thick” of it!! Thank you Brian

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