Lord Teach Us To Pray

Re:Verse passage – Matthew 6:9-15 (day five)

I remember a young camper in the cabin where I was counselor asking me, “How do you pray?” My response was, “the Lord’s Prayer, of course!” The Holy Sprit helped me to help this young man talk to God by showing how we can use the example prayer as an outline to remember what to say.
Another fond memory I have of the Lord’s Prayer is that of a Chinese church religiously repeating these sacred words at the end of their secret meeting. I’m thankful for this memory of them. It reminds me of what I believe. It makes me question my lack of religious traditions and motivates me to teach my children to memorize Jesus’ words (in English of course).
Perhaps you are twice-removed from such traditions or maybe the Prayer of our Lord does not frequently pass your lips. May I suggest that we approach Jesus with the same sincerity of heart and humble spirit the disciples had when they asked, “Lord teach us to pray” in Luke 11. Let’s unite with all of our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world and pray with one voice to our Father who is in heaven.
This Prayer reminds us that talking to Father God isn’t supposed to be complicated. It’s supposed to be a time of worship and devotion to our Creator and Savior. What will you learn this week about prayer you didn’t know before? What needs to change in your prayer life?
Byron Pitts

Minister of Missions and Evangelism

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3 thoughts on “Lord Teach Us To Pray”

  1. Excellent post. Using the Lord’s prayer as an outline is so helpful. And asking Him to teach us to pray is so special. He will lovingly guide us. Blessings.

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