Re:Verse passage – Galatians 5:1-15 (day five)
“I wish that those who are troubling you would even mutilate themselves.” Paul’s words in our Re:verse captured my attention this week. Did you sense the continued urgency of His message for freedom in Christ expressed through loving obedience? But in these verses add another emotion- anger. Anger at the one (ones) distracting, disrupting, discouraging these newer believers in their faith (race). His words sound really harsh. What would cause Paul to be this urgent and this angry? I believe it is love. A Holy regard and affection for the Word of God and the People of God. There is no doubt of Paul’s love for the scriptures and the church (God’s people). Maybe a teachable moment for us as we examine our own faith and hearts. Do we have this kind of protective love for the Word of God and the People of God? How do we communicate it and live it? How do we (should we) teach and model that to our children, grandchildren, and others? The stakes are high and the consequences are eternal!! We must love God’s Word and God’s People.
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Amen Scott. As I watch our nation descend into a spiritual decay I think Paul would send us a similar letter. I pray for our staff every day that you might be encouraged and strengthened in your work.