In Our Weakness

Re:Verse passage – Romans 8:26-27(day five) “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness.”
The human heart can be so prideful. We don’t like to admit or even recognize our own weakness. Ever have a hard time saying any of the following: “I was wrong”, “I don’t know”, “I am scared”, “I don’t understand”?  The effects of living in a broken creation cause all kinds of circumstances (physical, emotional, social) that bring fear, anxiety, doubt, and disappointment to name a few. Make no mistake, suffering can bring a feeling of weakness to us. And with all these feelings and emotions, sometimes words can’t or don’t come. I like the ESV translation. “Spirit helps us IN our weakness”. In the very midst of the sufferings and struggles (weakness) the Spirit helps us by directing and connecting  the deepest places of our troubled hearts to the Lord through prayer. Isn’t that remarkable? Praise God for His perfect love and care for us, especially in our weakness!!

Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

2 thoughts on “In Our Weakness”

  1. Thank you Scott! I needed to hear that! I tend to feel like I am the only one struggling.

  2. GOD’S timing is PERFECT as you know! This study and particularly this week on THE HOLY SPIRIT’S intercession has been so need for our family. Thank you ALL for your comments and following HIS lead.

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