Re:Verse passage – Acts 2:42-47 (day seven)
Last week I asked you to pray for camp. Your prayers were felt! We had an awesome week, but as I read this week’s passage every day, it felt like I was reading about Impact Camp. I had a first hand look into the New Testament church. For those who have been to Impact Camp before, does reading this scripture give you a mental image from camp? Even for those who grew up in other churches, does that bring you back to moments of joy from your camp experiences? Maybe it was Glorieta, Alto Frio, or a beach camp where you felt the Spirit moving in a mighty way. Something interesting happens when you bring hundreds of teenagers together to worship King Jesus. The power. The emotion. The energy. The presence of the Holy Spirit is visibly evident and active. Camp is a picture of the New Testament church, which I would also say, is a little taste of Heaven here on earth.
And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved. Acts 2:47
Just like the New Testament church, the Lord added to our number this week. We will tell their stories soon and we will fill the baptistry with students! Praise Jesus!
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