Ordinary Moments

Re:Verse passage – Acts 2:42-47 (day five)

“And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people.” vv. 46-47a

When we read about what the early church did together in this passage, it tells us that they gave themselves to doing four things. Those four activities are fairly ordinary in the grand scheme of things. They may not be the four things you would have done if you were starting a movement or beginning a new religion. Chances are that we might overcomplicate things to get going. Often, we can overcomplicate the gospel and the methodology by which we share it with those that need to hear it. We can overcomplicate our salvation through Christ, thinking that we need to jump through hoops some hoops to be in good standing for our salvation. We can also overcomplicate how we grow as a church.

As Aaron said earlier this week, we don’t need to wait for a church-sanctioned function to get together and to live life. The first church grew because they sought the Lord in their everyday lives together. Their circle of people spurred them on in the Biblical things they should be doing. It is much easier to grow together and to grow in Christ if we allow Him to permeate the ordinary moments of life, rather than just the Sunday morning or occasional church function. What are the ordinary moments that you can invite others to join in with you? How can you allow the Lord to use those moments to help you grow closer to the family of God?

Jimmy Gunn
Associate Pastor, Preschool & Elementary

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