For Such a Time as This

Re:Verse passage – Esther 7:3-7 (day six)

I’m a father of three young women. One of them is graduating from high school today. Reading Esther this week, my heart couldn’t help but turn its attention to my firstborn and wonder how God might use her.

Esther affirms that God also uses faithful, wise, and sacrificial women (not just men) in some of the most significant plays in his mission to remake the world. As my firstborn begins a new journey, I am confident she will not be sidelined but will have an important part to play in what God is doing. By God’s grace and leadership, she can and will rise above the status quo and cultural norms. She will press the envelope, ask the discerning question, and make the move(s) that matters.

Reading Esther gave me a God-sized vision for my high school graduate and her sisters. I couldn’t help it, it jumped off the page.

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Author: Danny Panter

Danny is the Associate Pastor for NextGen Marrieds & Community Missions at FBCSA.

One thought on “For Such a Time as This”

  1. Had the same experience this week as a granddaughter of ours graduated last night in a moving ceremony. Certainly there are many more of us sharing this perspective. Let’s pray them all forward – way forward for the Gospel!

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