Re:Verse passage – Genesis 22:1-18 (day five)
“for through Isaac your descendants shall be named.” Genesis 21:12
Don’t know about you, but I have honestly wondered if I could have had the faith of Abraham demonstrated in the Re:Verse text this week. As Aaron pointed out, no scripture to refer to. There were no sermons to encourage or exhort him. No community of faith surrounding him.
What was Abraham thinking and why?
I believe he was thinking that Isaac was going to die as a sacrifice, and that God would raise him from the dead ? Hebrews 11). How? Why? Because God had promised Abraham that his descendants would come through Isaac. Let me write that again… God had promised Abraham.
That’s all Abraham had. Ultimately, that’s all he needed- God’s promise. Abraham completely trusted God’s promise. Maybe one of the takeaways for me (us) this week is to recognize and remember the promises of God. So, I am looking at scripture with a renewed sense of determination and expectation to sense and see the promises of God. Practically, I will look for key words (WILL/SHALL) spoken by God and Jesus. I will underline and circle them, asking the Holy Spirit to encourage and strengthen my faith in the promises of the Lord found in the scriptures. Parents, tell the promises of God to your children/grandchildren. Some promises were made specifically to individuals like Abraham. But there are so many made to believers and children of God. Lord, help me find, trust, and act of Your promises.
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