Re:Verse Blog – 3/6/23

Re:Verse passage – Genesis 22:1-18 (day one)

Join us as Senior Pastor Chris Johnson, Associate Pastor Aaron Hufty, and Associate Pastor Bryan Richardson walk us through Genesis 22:1-18 in our Spring Re:Verse Series: “Unlocking The Old Testament.”

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2 thoughts on “Re:Verse Blog – 3/6/23”

  1. Wow! I loved you thoughts on this subject Bryan!!! I also couldn’t help but think of Issac as still a young boy. Abraham was still teaching him life skills as a senior father. Christ was in his 30’s. When your children reach that pinnacle age where they are ready to leave home,and yet they are still growing. It is difficult. Will they remember what you have taught them during those crucial moments? Will they come to you for advice during difficult times? This is a time when parents realize they are truly NOT in control, only God can protect them. After all the years Abraham walked with God, I feel he trusted God all the way.

  2. When God has asked me to surrender someone, something very meaningful to me, I realized today I’ll let go but often I will seek other ministries to fill my time. Abraham was placed in a situation where he had to completely focus on God, nothing else. And that’s really what God wants.

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