Re:Verse passage – Genesis 6:5-22 (day two) The Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. Vs. 6
There are few verses of scripture that make me stop and think like this one. It isn’t the only time we hear of God’s disappointment in us, but this statement tells us so much about our creator. We affirm that God knows all things, and that he holds past, present, and future in his hands. Why, then, should he be disappointed. Didn’t he know this was going to happen. Sure, but that doesn’t stop a parent from grieving when they see their children go astray. You may well know how things will turn out, but that doesn’t stop your heart from breaking when they make poor choices. The ultimate take away from this story is one of compassion. God made a way. God always make a way. Ultimately, he will send Jesus as the definitive Way to bridge the gap between a sinful people, and their creator. Aren’t you grateful that God doesn’t give up on his people. Aren’t you glad he has made a way?
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Good explanation. I always enjoy your insights.
I have always wondered about this verse! Thanx for the insights! Thank you for your words each week!