Freedom Weekend

Re:Verse passage – John 21:1-14 (day five) This weekend close to a hundred teenagers from FBCSA and their friends will gather in homes around San Antonio to study God’s Word, worship in Spirit and Truth, and to fellowship with one another. As they take part in Freedom Weekend over the next couple of days, may they (like these 7 disciples) encounter and recognize the Risen Savior “near and waiting for them” -asking them questions (to soften their hearts and challenge their pride) – giving them instructions on how to navigate life and their current circumstances- providing moments and indicators that He can and will take care of them to include meeting both their physical and spiritual needs. And, may they (like Peter) “jump in” with passion and confidence to be near Him, and may they (like the disciples) trust and obey His commands and instruction.

Will you pray for our Youth Ministry this weekend? Will you pray for yourself in the same ways?  Encounter, Obedience, Passion.

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

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