
Re:Verse passage – John 20:19-23 (day six)

“Peace be with you.”

This was a customary greeting, but these men heard it in a new way. Each of them had abandoned Jesus; they had fled for their lives, save, maybe John. Now, he was with them in the flesh. They were fearful of the authorities, but I imagine at that moment they were afraid of Jesus too. (In more ways than one.)

His greeting was intended to put them at ease, as if to say, “We are okay. I don’t hold anything against you.”

Up to that very moment, they must have carried so much guilt and sorrow, but with just one greeting, they were at peace. Can you imagine?

Is that not what Jesus says to us when we come to him in faith? “Peace, be with you.” Aren’t you grateful for peace?

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Author: Danny Panter

Danny is the Associate Pastor for NextGen Marrieds & Community Missions at FBCSA.

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