
Re:Verse passage – John 20:1-18 (day five)  One of beautiful things about the scriptures is that they portray people as ”normal” people. Even the heroes. They say and do things just like us. They fail. They argue. They miss the point. They succeed. They are afraid. They have courage. They sin. They celebrate. They worship. Just like us. And what we read in our Re:Verse passage this week, is that the disciples and women followers of Jesus are extremely grief stricken. (Just like we would be) It’s further evidence that Jesus really died and was buried. Some saw it and talked about it. The others sensed it from the way people were speaking and acting. And they were filled with grief, shock, and fear.
We all process and discover events and truth differently. Peter sees the empty tomb and grave clothes and is still in a state of grief. John see the same thing and “believes”. Mary sees the same thing and is overcome with grief and confusion.
Yet, all of these people mentioned will come to the point of believing. The Lord will immediately begin to work and speak in ways to convince, convict, and encourage His followers.
How might He do that with us (His followers today)?  Oh Lord, please help us to believe with greater confidence and to follow You with greater clarity and courage!!  Show us!!  Speak to us!! Come near to us!!  Help your people!!

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Author: Scott Lane

Scott Lane is the Executive Pastor of Ministry at FBCSA.

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