Who Do You Say I Am?

Re:Verse passage – John 18:33-40 (day five)

“Jesus answered, ‘Do you say this of your own accord, or did others say it to you about me?’” John 18:34

During this exchange between Jesus and Pilate, you can sense the indifference with which Pilate asks Jesus his questions. Pilate simply wanted to know if an insurrection was brewing and if he should be concerned about anything. Jesus knew that. The answers that Jesus gave drew Pilate in and gives us a clearer picture of the heart of Pilate. Jesus wanted to know what Pilate really thought. Pilate’s answers to Jesus’ questions reveal how little he was thinking of Jesus and how much he was thinking of the wrong things.

Jesus asked a similar question to His disciples in Matthew 16:13-20, and got a vastly different answer. Peter’s heart for the truth was revealed at that moment and helps us further understand what Jesus was talking about when He told Pilate that “everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” At some point, we are all asked that question. Who do you say Jesus is? Do you only know what the world says or know Him secondhandedly? Who do you say, of your own accord, who Jesus is?

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