Re:Verse Blog – 7/18/22

Re:Verse passage – Matthew 28:18-20 (day one)

Join us as Senior Pastor Chris Johnson, Associate Pastor Aaron Hufty, and Associate Pastor Bryan Richardson walk us through Matthew 28:18-20 in our Summer Re:Verse Series: “Better Together.”

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3 thoughts on “Re:Verse Blog – 7/18/22”

  1. I heard a song lyric recently from Elevation Worship that states, “Wasn’t holding You up so there’s nothing I can do to let You down.” That reminder – and your words Bryan – there isn’t a moment that is not infused with My presence – are such comfort in these tumultuous days. And a reminder this broken world desperately needs to hear.
    God has placed us in this time and in this place for the working of His will. He has gone before to prepare our mission field and He will walk us through each and every step and thought and prayer and encounter. We serve (and are LOVED) by a glorious God!

  2. Disciple, Baptize. and Teach is the order Jesus gives and He will be with us always. In this day of hit and run evanglism (just say the prayer). Are we (the Body of Christ) ignoring the hard work of discipling?
    FBCSA mission statement used to be simply “Make Disciples”
    I am a fan of RWD, I hope we don’t our loose focus.

  3. An old hymn came to me recently “Are Ye Able Said the Master “. It’s strange because I remember singing it as a girl growing up in the Presbyterian Church. However, I’ve looked in the Baptist hymnal and 2 Presbyterian hymnal and even a Methodist hymnal and can’t find it except on u-tube. Anybody else remember it. The words, to me, seem perfect for our study this week..

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