Serve Like Jesus

Re:Verse passage – John 13:3-17 (day seven) 

For He knew the one who was betraying Him.

Jesus washed Judas’ feet. Can you imagine knowing your friend who had walked by your side for years was about to betray you for a few coins? Can you imagine looking him in the eye knowing what peril he was about to put you through, and instead of casting him aside, you bend down and begin to clean his dirty and grimy feet? Can you imagine loving him enough to forgive what was about to happen? Judas betrayed Him with clean feet.

Could you wash Judas’ feet? It is easy to wash the feet of those who love us. We would all wash the feet of Peter who flatters us with words of affirmation, but could you wash the feet of your enemies? That is where the line is drawn for most of us. We will serve when it is in our best interest, but to truly serve like Jesus is to serve even when you know the act may not bring rewards. Clean their feet anyway!

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Author: Rick Henderson

Rick Henderson is the Associate Pastor for Students.

2 thoughts on “Serve Like Jesus”

  1. Thanks for that challenge, Rick. It is difficult for me to even imagine bowing down to scrape and wash the feet of an enemy, especially one who I knew would turn and betray me. Our responsibility is to serve them regardless of how they respond or what decisions they make that may be contrary to our own. But this is what the Lord calls us to do. Thank you for bringing this to light in such a practical way.

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