Re:Verse passage – John 13:3-17 (day five)
“Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come forth from God and was going back to God,”
I marvel at the burden of knowledge that Jesus constantly carried. All that He knew and understood about Himself, this world, and others. He knew who He was. He knew how much authority God had given to Him. He knew what God had sent Him to earth to do. He knew His time on earth was drawing to a close. He knew that one of His own disciples was betraying him. Yet, none of that knowledge kept Jesus from loving, leading, and serving by example.
It’s very humbling to admit that I often use circumstances, knowledge, and yes even burdens as excuses not to serve or lead or encourage others. Jesus didn’t. Neither should we! So today, in the midst of our circumstances, burdens, tension, uncertainty will you join me in following Jesus’ example of Loving and Serving others?
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