Lead Like This

Re:Verse passage – John 13:3-17 (day two)

If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them. vs. 17

There are many ways to learn, and as you would imagine, many ways to teach. This last meal with the gathered 12 disciples was an opportunity for Jesus to leverage all that he had taught them over the last three years before the terror of the cross was realized. He would pray over them, he would instruct them, challenge their loyalty, and he would show them what love looks like. Examples matter. When you have exhausted all the words you have, sometimes the best teacher is to simply demonstrate. I imagine that there was initially general chatter happening around the table, then uncomfortable mumbling, silence, and then Peter’s protestations. The powerful lesson demonstrated by Jesus is one that all of us value. We value it in others, and hopefully, expect it of ourselves. These acts of servant leadership are often what motivate others far more than simple words ever could.

This grainy photo was taken my first year on staff at FBCSA. The conference room table had not been cleaned after a lunch meeting was there. Rather than expect anyone to clean, Pastors Don and Bryan wasted no time in doing what needed to be done. They didn’t need to do it, others could have, but they did it. To lead, they served. I have never forgotten this beautiful picture. I want to lead like this.

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Author: Aaron Hufty

Aaron Hufty is the Associate Pastor for Worship and Music at FBCSA.

4 thoughts on “Lead Like This”

  1. As the old adage goes, “Actions speak louder than words.” Our Savior proved this in the passage we are reading as did Pastors Don and Bryan in this priceless picture. Thanks for sharing!

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