Re:Verse passage – Acts 2:42-47 (day seven)
And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common. vs 44
“You have more in common with a Christian living in a village in Kenya than you do your non-Christian friends that live right down the street.” I often say things like this to our students. You may not be able to talk about the latest Marvel movie or the hottest new song, but there is something unique that brings us all together as Christians. Christ living in me relates and connects to Christ living in you. That commonality creates a bond that is tighter than any friendship the world can offer. This indwelling of the Holy Spirit bridges languages, race, color, and creed. We are brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, and even if it may seem that we are miles apart in interests, hobbies, or politics, we can know that we are Better when we are Together because Christ is our commonality.
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Very wise words, Rick. Thanks for expressing these thoughts so well. Looking for common ground is so valuable, especially in these contentious times.
Such wise words, Rick.. I love the thoughts and ” better together”!