
Re:Verse passage – Job 1:13-22 (day three)

“Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God.”

The emotional equivalent of a tsunami occurred in Job’s life; horrific personal disasters crashing in wave upon wave against one lone man. He remained unbowed. Job faced staggering tragedy with a stalwart confidence that God – his puzzling authorization of these events notwithstanding – was going to take notice of Job’s righteousness soon, and some kind of redress of grievances would happen. As hopeful as this stance seems, Job finds out that such a posture isn’t strong enough for life in this world. He finds something strong enough eventually, but the rest of the book is far from a straight line from disaster to renewal. That’s because this book isn’t a platitude. It’s not a pep talk. It’s life as it actually is. That’s where you’ll find God. Job did.

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Author: Bryan Richardson

Bryan Richardson is the Associate Pastor for Counseling and Pastoral Ministries at FBCSA.

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