Re:Verse passage – Luke 11:5-13 (day six)
If you have checked more than once this morning for my blog post, then I think that qualifies as persistent. Being the kind of person that I am, I wouldn’t want to disappoint you or allow your persistence to go unrewarded.
Each time you checked you came with expectation, I’m sure. Along with a sincere desire for spiritual encouragement, a little spiritual nudge as you start your day.
For many of you, an early Saturday morning read of the every day prayer blog is part of a consistent pattern or rhythm in your life. An effort to connect to the heart and purpose of God through the musings of one of your pastors.
Some Saturdays are better than others I’m sure! But today, today your persistence pays off, because I too value the blog, and the small part it plays in your life; not to mention I feel a sense of obligation. It is here though, on this digital page, that I can give, whether at midnight, or 5 am, or even 9:15 (or later of course).
As you persist, may you receive. It is with God, as it is with me.
Oh, and Happy New Year!