Good Neighbor?

Re:Verse passage – Luke 10:25-37 (day four)

We live in a ‘hurry up’, ‘no patience’, ‘my schedule is important’ world.  We get so involved in our own importance and drive to succeed that we often fail to see those around us in need.  In our parable, one would expect the religious leaders to quickly respond to assist the wounded traveler.  They were, after all, the example of how God would have us to live.  Instead, they refused to even pause to investigate.

The Samaritan was different.  He had compassion.  He put aside his own business, and responded to the needs of the Jewish traveler.  He was a neighbor.  Are you a neighbor to those around you?  Are you too busy or uninterested to see opportunities to join God in His work?  Will you put aside your busy schedule to share the gospel or lend a listening ear?  A follower of Christ stands out among the rest…loving your neighbor as yourself speaks volumes to the lost world.

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Author: Larry Soape

Larry Soape is the Associate Pastor for Median & Senior Adults, and Missions at FBCSA.

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