What if the rain doesn’t come?

Re:Verse passage – James 5:7-11 (day seven)

Patience is not something that western culture is particularly proficient at. We have been spoiled by our own ingenuity. We have fast food, microwaves, smart phones, robot vacuums (just to name a few) all designed to make life faster. We are always looking for a quick fix, so when God asks us to be patient, we often expect the results of our patience to be put in a microwave as well.

“The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains.” vs 7

The farmer is patiently waiting for the rain, but what happens if there is a drought? What if the rain doesn’t come? Our tendency in this scenario is to look for the quick fix. We think we can help God by taking matters into our own hands. Our ingenuity may create relief in the moment, but the quick fix never solves the problem permanently.

Even when the rain doesn’t come, what God has in store is better than anything we could ever attempt to create! Even when the rain doesn’t come… it is well!

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Author: Rick Henderson

Rick Henderson is the Associate Pastor for Students.

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