Re:Verse passage – James 4:13-17 (day five)
“Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life?”
Which 2 books give accurate descriptions of our lives? May I suggest planners (calendars) and diaries. One book (planner) is the accurate picture of how our time is spent, and used- activities, priorities, busyness, sabbath, business, family. Looking through its pages will shed light on how we have planned and managed our time.
The other book (our diaries) gives insight to the people, personalities, and relationships that matter most- questions, concerns, experiences, struggles, feelings, insights, lessons learned, prayers, and convictions. Pastor James is teaching these believers that both time and life is more about the Lord than anything else. That there is a healthy balance that recognizes God’s sovereignty, our finiteness, and the actions and attitudes we must possess.
The Lord who holds time in is hand is also writing the narrative of our story. He is in control!!