Re:Verse passage – James 4:1-12 (day four)
Verse 5 says, “He jealously desires the Spirit which He has made to dwell in us”. God’s desire is that we are close to Him, but have you ever felt like you were growing further and further away from Him? Did God move away? Of course not. God is holy, faithful, unchanging and true. If we are far away from God, we are the ones who have moved. Separation can happen very gradually. Pride fullness slips into our lives and we think we can take care of things ourselves. Maybe we spend less time in prayer or seek God fewer and fewer times until we finally are not seeking God at all. We are using our best practices and leaving God out of the equation.
James says “repent”. To repent is to humble yourself before God. Be miserable, mourn and weep…recognize who God is and submit to His authority and holiness. The only way we can have a right relationship with others is to be in right relationship with God!
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